I’m thrilled to be ending the week by introducing you to the fabulous Sharon, our newest Smashing The Glass team member! Sharon will be contributing features to STG and helping behind-the-scenes too. She’ll also be working on some very exciting competitions that we have coming up and assisting me with a number of projects I have on the go.
A little bit about Sharon:
Sharon likes… The film All About Eve, the west coast of Ireland, Paris, London, Eurostar, Cremant d’Alsace, Malin and Goetz Rum Tonic, Muji fig candles, Vejer de la Frrontera, Kiehl’s Orignial Musk Blend N0 1 shower gel, skiing, apres ski, Whistles cigarette leg black trousers, glitzy flip flops, Brown Thomas make up department, Lays crisps and french beer (taste of holiday), raspy laughing, wild heather, the name Romeo, lebanese food (lots of it).
Drop Shazza a note at sharon@smashingtheglass.com or tweet her at @smashglass
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