Ines is a member of our Brides Club for Jewish and Jew-ish brides, and we’re so excited for her wedding plans!
Inside Brides Club, I personally help you to minimize wedstress and overwhelm, and maximize your wedding budget. Oh – and every Brides Club member gets a free smash glass pouch (designed by me) for under the chuppah posted out to them too. Mazal Tov!
Come and join Brides Club too – for advice, discounts, community, sisterhood… and your sanity!
Where are you from? São Paulo – Brazil
What do you do for a living? I’m a chef
How did you meet your partner? At a Pideon HaBen in London; at a mutual friend’s home
Where did you go on your first date? Drinks at a local pub (not romantic at all!!! I actually thought we were just catching up as friends as we knew eachother before we got together! I had no idea it was a date; until he kissed me goodbye)
When did you first know you were in love? Our first kiss during our first date! I knew he was my besheret
How long had you been dating when you became engaged? A little over 2 years
What date are you getting married and where? 29/8/22
Tell us about your wedding plans: We’re getting married at Sopwell House; in St Albans! Lots of people coming from all over the world as I lived in different places growing up… PG the weather is going to be gorgeous and we’ll have the Chuppah outside! Rabbi Paul Glantz will marry us… I come from a very secular family… mum Jewish and Dad not Jewish. My fiancé comes from a frum family based in Hendon! Our ceremony will be very traditional; we will have Tish, Bedeken… I’m circling him 7 times under the chuppah… and then we will have the party more Israeli style!!!
What’s the most important part of your wedding day? Marrying the love of my life! And being under the chuppah with our loved ones
Fave Jewish wedding tradition? Bedeken
What does marriage mean to you? Mishparah! Family is everything…. I’m divorced and I have a 13 year old daughter! Once I marry Andy; we will finally be the family I have always wished for
Best wedding planning tip (so far!): Got a wedding planner!!!
Sum up your wedding style in three words! Traditional, fun and love
Any wedding vendors you would recommend? Events by Natasha, Shir, The Happy Chuppah People, Kippot world
Dream fantasy wedding guests? The one that keeps their opinion to themselves 🙂

What do you love most about being a Brides Club member?
The support; the list of suppliers!!!
Fave meal to eat together on Friday night? Challah
Fave Jewish festival? Purim
Fave Jewish food? Rugulach
Fave Jewish tradition? Kiddush and lighting the candles
Top of your Bucket List: Getting pregnant
Perfect weekend is… In the countryside
Happiness is… Friday night dinner with my Hubby to be and my daughter

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