May 29th will be’s 1st blog-iversary * and it’s electrifying to think how far my little Jewish wedding blog has come in 12 short months! Your comments, reassurance and support have been utterly overwhelming and I’m thrilled to say that a bigger, better Smashing The Glass 2.0 is now in the pipeline (more details soon).
But first thing’s first, to celebrate our first birthday there are some very exciting happenings on the blog during June including a Chanel bridal competition (keep your eye peeled on the Smashing The Glass Facebook page for that one) and a roll-call of awards for some of the incredible suppliers and brides who have featured in our first year of Real Jewish Weddings.
But something celebratory that’s going to last the whooooole month long is #JewishBridesJune !
The concept is wholly inspired by the lovely Phoebe of So You’re Getting Married‘s #MarriedMay and the idea is that every day in June you lovely lot will literally put us in the picture about a different aspect of your wedding planning.
All you have to do is upload an image each day to Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or your blog based on that days title and tag #JewishBridesJune so we can all see and enjoy your wedding plans.
As Phoebe herself puts it, “whilst it is aimed at those planning their wedding, those already married can take part, and those who just want to plan their dream wedding and hopefully not repel prospective husbands in doing so are welcome to join in also.”
Of course I’m going to take part and rekindle my wedding day memories too, but I’m even more excited about ogling over all your exciting Jewish (or Jew-ish) weddings for 30 fabulous days! Super-excited for Sunday 1st June… see you then for #JewishBridesJune !
*Oh and as a 1st birthday present, if you want to nominate me as Best Newcomer in either the Wedding Blog Awards or the Next Newcomer Blog Awards, I’d be utterly over the moon.
[A fuzzy picture of me checking myself out in the bathroom mirror on my wedding day!]
Keep in touch during #JewishBridesJune! Check out Smashing The Glass on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.
What a great idea!